
So here’s a question I’m struggling with in terms of putting myself out there-do I go by a pen name or my real name? There are people out there who I don’t want knowing that I am exploring and building this side of my life, but then again I want all the accolades (those are inevitable, right?). Then comes the issue of choosing a pen name. How do I choose? Do I go with Vivianne (a name I thought was so glamorous when growing up) or something with more backbone (Jack or Anne)? Or maybe I cloak myself in mystery a la S. E. Hinton?

I work full time in a career where you need to be perceived as an upstanding citizen. Not that I am not, but what if I write a sizzling sex scene or a graphic murder scene? I feel as though people might not look at me quite the same and it may have an impact on my chances for advancement. If this whole writing thing doesn’t turn into the J. K. Rowling experience I would hate to have tainted face I show the world.

I’m also a mom to a thirteen year old girl. ‘Nuff said.

So I ask you, my fellow writers. What to do? I need to work through this so that I can choose an identity and roll with it. What have you done? Are you happy with your decision? Why or why not? I would love to hear from you! Please leave me your thoughts in the comments!

Do you use your real name when you write? How’s it working out for you?

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